Posts tagged with: Sea Dragon Crew

Day 23 Crew Update: Plastic – the symptom of a larger cause

eXXpedition North Pacific crew member and TV presenter Victoria Fritz explores how this voyage has shaped how she thinks about plastic “We wake to a cling-film sheen on the water and a plan to steer a 130 nautical mile course to a group of remote, uninhabited islands. A few hours in, with a bite in […]

Round Britain: First Impressions at Hermitage Moorings

Excitement is building for eXXpedition Round Britain and, in the run up to the sail, we will be sharing posts from our crew members, partners, sponsors and volunteers to give you a taste of what eXXpedition is all about and what you can expect from Round Britain on Sea Dragon. We want you to be […]

eXXpedition Atlantic Film Premiere!

Join us for the premiere of the eXXpedition Atlantic documentary on the 7th of March at 5.30pm for a 6pm start. In honour of International Women’s Day, we are going to be the finale in a wonderful afternoon and evening event that celebrates women in exploration and field science, organised by Intrepid Explorers – King’s […]

Food glorious food!

Preparing for an ocean going voyage for 3 weeks at sea is no easy task. Sailors are the engine of a sailing boat so feeding the crew well is paramount. Fortunately for eXXpedition is was made a whole lot easier by the great sponsorship we received from Organico foods, Fish4Ever and Doves Farm! We want […]

5th December – Land ho!

14 28.02 N 60 51.98 W ……Land Ho!! Lights were spotted on the distant horizon at 4am by Sea Dragon’s second mate, Anne. This soon grew to resemble a string of twinkling lights, and as dawn broke we could see the island of Martinique take shape with its volcanic peak and lush, green wooded slopes. […]

4th December – Inspiration from our skipper and the 'what is our future' sessions

Thursday December 4th saw us experiencing mounting excitement at the prospect of reaching our goal, landing in Martinique. It was also one of our more magical days and evenings, with Mother Nature herself providing an incredible show. We entered an awestruck silence with the wonder of the setting sun, only to be further stunned in […]

3rd December – Science, Seaweed and Songs

16 27.26 N 56 46.76 W As we cruise ever closer to Martinique’s EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone), situated 200 nautical miles around it’s coastline, today was officially the final day of science! We completed our last Manta Trawl gathering plenty of sargassum (seaweed) as well as a totally different array of organisms – watching a […]

1 December — A New Month & A New Future!

18 43.01 N 51 54.28 W It is December! We celebrated the sunny warm day by happily singing and dancing along with “Feliz Navidad” and “All I want for Christmas is You” (we had excitedly awaited for the first day of December to play some Christmas music). It was another really hot day, and we […]

Saturday 29 November — A Whale In Our Sights & Inspirational Activism

20’ 44,13 N 46’ 47,16 W Today all 14 of us succeeded in the International Buy Nothing Day mission by not buying anything! Easy! Another day in Sea-She Dragon has passed. Even with no more fresh fruit on board (eek!) we are still enjoying this amazing bold adventure all together in the middle of the […]

28th November – 'A Perfect Day' & Our Super Sailing Psychologist

“It’s such a perfect day…” was the Lou Reed lyrics we were all singing as the night fell. We had a glorious sunny day that made us all pull out our arsenal of non-toxic suncreams, or as close as we could get to that. In between busy lives, accessibility, reasonable price for a yet non […]

27 November – Happy Thanksgiving America

22 36.10 N 42 05.69 W Happy Thanksgiving America! We celebrated this holiday with three of our American shipmates – Diana, Shanley & Jenna. For many, it was their first Thanksgiving and although there was no turkey or “tofurkey” in sight, the occasion was complete with pancakes and the last of our fresh fruit (Eek!). […]

Wednesday 26 November — Leaving the Tropic of Cancer

23 00.36 N 40 55.11 W Today is a very special day: we have reached the half way point in our journey! 1300 miles crossed and we have officially entered the tropics, leaving the Tropic of Cancer behind. Funny enough we were greeted with strong winds, choppy waves and frequent squalls that brought back memories […]

Sunday 23-Monday 24 November — Flying Fish, a Last Supper and Fragments of Time

24°45.25’N 33°26.65’W Overnight, a new passenger joined us on board.  One of the Atlantic’s liminal flying fish, existing magically in the borders between air and sea, fetched up on deck – to the great delight of our master dissector Diana.  A late night analysis of the creature’s stomach contents showed an all-natural last meal.  There […]

Monday 24 November — Going With the Flow

24°42.91’N 33°43.73’W As the sun rises on our tenth day at sea, we watch shearwater seabirds glide over the waves sitting on deck (a.k.a. Elaine’s Café) sharing stories over the steaming coffee complete with cinnamon brewed by our resident coffee aficionado, Elaine. Life aboard Sea Dragon has achieved some semblance of order and we finally […]

Saturday 22 November – Pancakes, Progress, Plastics

Saturday 22nd November 2014: Sea Dragon 25 53.53 N 28 25.52 W 780 miles down! After the storms of the past six days we had a beautiful Sunday morning with relatively calm seas, we got busy cleaning the boat, our laundry and ourselves. Lucy made pancakes – a special treat for those on watch – […]

Friday 21 November – Harsh Weather, A Close Call & 'Me-Search' update

Thursday night presented the very harshest conditions yet. After breaking the yankee and tearing the staysail, the wind continued to pick up until it was 30 knots gusting 40 kts with a deep swell. The skies were pitch black and moonless as squall after squall hit us presenting challenging conditions at the helm. At around […]

Anchors Away and They're Off!

After months of planning and a week of intense preparation and educational activities at port in Lanzarote Marina, Seadragon’s Crew finally set sail Over the next three weeks we’ll be posting scientific findings, journal blogposts and updates on the state of the ocean and the plastics and micro-plastics as we sail. Exxpedition’s land crew member […]

Sunday 16 November — Our Crew Find Their Sea Legs!

Day 1 After five days in Marina Lanzarote, taking part and leading workshops/talks for the Atlantic Odyssey, Sea Dragon and her team of 14 changemakers has finally set sail! After crossing the line with 34 Atlantic Odyssey boats   we set a course between Lanzarote and Fuerteventura heading out into the BIG WIDE ATLANTIC OCEAN! […]

Where Our Waste Goes

With just one day to go before we set sail the Exxpedition crew have been out and about in Lanzarote. We visited the island’s waste management facility Environmental Complex Zonzamas where all the rubbish is processed. Our guide Carmen Portella Ernest runs eco-trips on the island and is a keen birdwatcher   Since we’ve been docked […]

Why eXXpedition 2014? – Jenna's story!

EXXpedition Atlantic 2014 Resident Engineer Jenna Jambeck tells us why she joined our mission! “Friends younger than I have been diagnosed with ‪#‎breast‬ ‪#‎cancer‬. There are countless more people I know that have either succumbed to or beat cancer. While exposure to toxins is not the only cause, it certainly can contribute. And, while some […]

Meet Anne Baker; Sailor, Instructor and Scientist!

My story is like a three-legged stool. As a yatchmaster involved in sail training, mainly with all girl crews and with thousands of sea miles this trip, from a sailing prospective, is a dream chance to cross the Atlantic with an all women crew. Then there is the women’s health element; I have a niece, […]

Meet our Engineer in Residence Dr Jenna Jambeck!

We are delighted to introduce you to our Engineer in Residence Jenna. Jenna brings a wealth of expertise to eXXpedition enabling us to accurately characterise the plastic fragments we find in the ocean using nanoscale technology! Jenna is an Assistant Professor in the College of Engineering at the University of Georgia (UGA). She received her PhD […]

Maria, our Artist in Residence!

Maria is the latest addition to the crew. She graduated with a BA Hons in Fine Art from Camberwell School of Art & a Postgraduate degree in Art & Design Education from Goldsmith’s University, London. She is passionate advocate and lover of all things related to water. Maria’s work explores interactions between human manipulation of […]

Meet Diana, our fish and toxicology expert!

Diana Papoulias – Our onboard fish toxicologist! As an undergrad I became passionate about fish. Influenced by Frances Moore Lappé’s work on sustainable food systems and the New Alchemy Institutes’ fish and vegetable growing methods, I designed an experiential academic program at Prescott College. This allowed me to go build a fish farm at an […]

Trashed: a global waste problem.

This compelling video sets out the extent of the global waste problem as seen through the eyes of Jeremy Irons. Must watch for intrepid eXXpeditioners!

Introducing Sue from the wild windy Isle of Arran!

    eXXpedition are proud to welcome aboard Sue – Sailor, activist, ecotherapist, gardener, grandmother! Without doubt her therapy skills, cooking skills and long held perspective on environmental and community experience will enrich our mission. Sue is a coastal skipper, used to sailing offshore in scottish waters but never yet beyond St Kilda. This voyage brings […]

Welcome aboard Constança – Our European Policy Guru on Marine Litter!

Constança graduated in marine biology in Portugal and she has been working with marine and coastal ecosystem management ever since. Holding a Masters Degree in Environmental Sciences from the University of São Paulo, her life path has led her to bridge between science, policy and society keeping sustainability at its core. She is currently living […]

Marine Litter Watch launches a new app to tackle Marine Plastic Waste

A new app has been launched by the Marine Litter Watch team from the European Environment Agency. We are proud to shout about this initiative to tackle plastic pollution especially as one of the team who created it, Constança  Belchoir, will join us on eXXpedition 2014. We can’t wait to use this in a marine litter actions. Bravo Constança and […]

Welcome aboard Jen Pate, our filmmaker!

We are delighted to confirm our filmmaker for eXXpedition. Jen has a wealth of experience on adventures and expeditions around the globe as well as the technical expertise to help us tell a great story. Thanks for jumping aboard Jen! Jen is a geographer and filmmaker fascinated by human-environment interaction. She has a BA in […]

Introducing Malin, our Nordic Climate Activist and Green Agitator!

From direct action to stop oil drilling in Norway to representing her country in International Climate negotiations, our latest recruit Malin is a girl with a global mission. Great to have you on board! Malin Jacob is a Norwegian environmentalist. Currently she is studying political science at the University of Oslo, Norway, where she is […]

Pow! Welcome aboard Caterina!

Our fabulous crew is really starting to take shape now! We are now joined by Caterina, an industrial and strategist designer, technology lover and sailor! She graduated in product and communication design at ISIA Firenze and worked at WAACS Design & Consultancy in Rotterdam, Netherlands, in Tanzania as interior designer and photographer and studied Product […]

Adding Art into the Mix!

Another awesome world changer has joined our mission! Introducing Laura, an artist from Brighton. Laura is heading up the eXXpedition Art outreach plans. Laura has worked all around the world at the intersection of Art and Conservation. We are very pleased to have her aboard! Laura Coleman is the Director of The ONCA Trust, an […]

Sea Dragon

Check out this little video of Pangea Explorations and Sea Dragon, the vessel we will use for our mission: