Posts tagged with: exxpeditionstory

Life on board as a Storyteller. (Or Navigating Nausea.)

My intention to sail the Atlantic with scientists and sailors is to create stories that are imbued with facts and embroiled with enchantment. The rest of the crew were excited to hear that there would be a storyteller on board and have been waiting curiously for storytime. Well, they would have to wait – because […]

Dear Noah – Happy Birthday!

Well Noah it was six years ago today that you shot out of my body in less than four hours, a speed you have kept up! I remember those first few days when we lay in bed at Plot Street Cottage. I lay there stunned as my heart flooded with a new kind of love. […]


Night watch 4a.m 7 Nov In Native American ceremonies throwing up is called “getting well” . It is something to be done proudly in front of the tipi fire. It is illness moving out of the body physically. I really got well last night. I was crouching at the helm but Holly heard me from […]