Posts tagged with: debris

Why eXXpedition 2014? – Jenna's story!

EXXpedition Atlantic 2014 Resident Engineer Jenna Jambeck tells us why she joined our mission! “Friends younger than I have been diagnosed with ‪#‎breast‬ ‪#‎cancer‬. There are countless more people I know that have either succumbed to or beat cancer. While exposure to toxins is not the only cause, it certainly can contribute. And, while some […]

Marine Litter Watch launches a new app to tackle Marine Plastic Waste

A new app has been launched by the Marine Litter Watch team from the European Environment Agency. We are proud to shout about this initiative to tackle plastic pollution especially as one of the team who created it, Constança  Belchoir, will join us on eXXpedition 2014. We can’t wait to use this in a marine litter actions. Bravo Constança and […]