I first heard about the eXXpedition through a friend of a friend’s blog about a month ago. An all women crew who are doing research on the plastic and the toxic in the ocean. How incredible cool isn’t that? Before I read up about the expedition and the mission, I thought I was doing a lot – recycling waste and carrying around a reusable waterbottle.But, after reading about the 100 million tons of plastic in the ocean and all the chemicals that surround us, I realized I could do so much more.That’s how I ended up signing up for the eXX, and that’s how I found myself in the Caribbean a month after hearing about it. 
I can barely remember a tv show where they showed the connection between the toxics stored in a female fat tissued, which were then later, passed to her fetus. I remember how shocking it was to see that. There has also been a lot of clues and hints up through the years about the environment, but I haven’t quite felt before that I could contribute in any way that could make a difference before. 
Last year I started off growing some kale, salads, peas, reddish and ruccola in the backyarden where I live. At first it just started off as something that I had an urge to do, but now, fast pace one year ahead, I want to make my little world part of something bigger. And per now, I have started an online magazine to promote a more eco-friendly lifestyle, and I have a bamboo toothbrush sponsor and a bamboo-clothing sponsor. I also have made some connection with some amazing girls I only had read about online. It gives to show that anything can happen as long as you put your mind to it. 
Well, my first meeting of eXX started a couple of days before the eXX actually started. I met the inspirational women including Em, Jen, Alice, Megan, Shanley and my co-crew Candy and La Ina at Rodney Bay Marina, st Lucia. I could not believe I was so lucky tobe accepted as part of the crew. The first day of meeting the eXX, included for me personally, a passport crisis requiring a couple of phone calls to my Airbnb mother. Although, after checking my luggage a third time it showed up in a “secret” pocket. My bad luck wasn’t ending there, as I ending up loosing my camera at the end of the first night.
Hopefully I’ll wake up with more luck tomorrow.  
By Rigmor