The eXXpedition North Pacific crew were lifted by a wonderful sight a few days ago, which highlighted the importance of their mission. Crew member and filmmaker Jen Russell explains:
“After a choppy few days, the mood onboard this morning was pretty subdued & some were back to battling with seasickness. A few of us were on watch just after lunch, contemplating the dreary day as we looked out over the water. Then, out of nowhere, our view was filled by a pod of dolphins.
As our shrieks of joy rang out from the deck down to the galley, the rest of the crew ran up to catch a glimpse of the dozens of dolphins swimming alongside us, who playfully leapt around & sped off leaving us in their wake. One little guy stayed around for a bit longer, teasing us as he criss-cr ossed in front of the boat.
Anka later reflected that this was a gift from the ocean, and a reminder to all of us of the reason we’re here. As ecstatic as we were to be visited by them, we were simultaneously heartbroken at the realisation that our friends would be feasting in parts of the sea we knew to be riddled with plastic fragments.”