Whilst the scientific research we conduct onboard is essential to inform solutions upstream, it’s the relationships we form back on land that help implement change across each of the communities we visit and the world at large.

From schools, NGOs, businesses and government leaders, we have worked with a series of partners to help raise awareness for and help solve the plastic pollution issue in their own communities. Whether it’s through tours of the boat, talks, cleanups and even sometimes standup comedy, the crews onboard eXXpedition have engaged audiences worldwide with our stories and findings at sea.

Beyond the events scheduled during each eXXpedition Voyage, our growing network of ambassadors have also hosted their own events all around the world.



Over 2,500 people have attended our outreach events across the world, which have included:

1 Improv Theatrical Performance

2 Art Exhibitions

4 Film Screenings

6 Boat Tours of Sea Dragon

19 School Talks and Activities

Over 28 Talks and Workshops



eXXpedition is a great platform to inspire curiosity amongst students through storytelling and hands on activities. We have visited over 18 schools across three different continents, and have created a series of educational videos and resources that can be used in classrooms around the world.

These are some institutions we have partnered with over the years:

Escola Santos Dumont, Brazil | Escola Internacional de Aldeia, Brazil | Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil | ABA Global Education, Brazil | Future Centre Trust, Barbados | Lockerbie College, Barbados | Codrington International School, Barbados | Cave Hill Campus, University of the West Indies, Barbados | The International School, St Lucia | Gros Islet Primary & Secondary School, St Lucia | Sir Arthur Lewis Community College, St Lucia | Portsmouth Secondary School, Dominica | Sunflower Pre-School, Dominica | Saint Anthony’s Secondary School, Antigua | Children’s University Lab Event and Beach Clean | Interactive Workshop with Kids Against Plastic, Lamlash Lifeboat Station | Muddy Fingers Workshop at the National Marine Aquarium | Kids Against Plastic and Interactive Displays at Leith Labs | A Life in Plastic: An immersive Arts and Science experience at ASCUS Labs


Working with leaders to create change

The women onboard eXXpedition voyages have had the honour to meet with influential leaders across nations throughout their journeys.

eXXpedition co-founder Emily Penn has also been invited to share the learnings from our mission at key global policy events, including:

United Nations

United Nations General Assembly, United Nations World Ocean Day Event, United Nations COP BRS Science Fair,  and United Nations Gender Heroes.


Talks at the annual Our Oceans Conference every year from 2015 – 2019

Commonwealth Summit

Meeting with the Minister for the Cabinet Office Rt Hon David Lidington, Prime Minister of St Lucia Allen Chastnet, and Prime Minister of Vanuatu Charlot Salwai

COP21 & COP25 United Nations Climate Change Conferences
TedX: Ubud, East End, Bath


Some of the policy meetings during our voyages have included:

Environmental Management Authority, Trinidad
Ministry of Planning & Development, Trinidad
ECMANN Project Representatives, Dominica
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, St Lucia
Ty Hywel National Assembly event with MPs, Wales
Meeting with Politicians and Media, Scotland
Meeting with Politicians and Media, North Ireland
Reception at Scottish Parliament, Scotland



Understanding how different countries manage their waste is key to pinpointing both the causes of and solutions to plastic pollution. Beyond visiting waste management facilities around the world, in island nations and back on the mainland, our crews have also met with local authorities along the way to learn about the challenges and opportunities to stop plastic from entering our waterways.

Sustainable Barbados Recycling Centre, Barbados | Deglos Sanitary Landfill, St Lucia | Cooks Sanitary Landfill, Antigua | Antigua & Barbuda Recycling Centre, Antigua | Fisheries Department, Barbados | National Conservation Authority, St Lucia | St Lucia Solid Waste Management Authority, St Lucia | Dominica Solid Waste Management Corporation, Dominica | Fisheries Department, Antigua | Port of Vancouver, Canada | Port of London Authority, UK



While we recognise that beach cleanups only help minimise the damage rather than solve the problem, they are still an amazing educational tool to help open people’s eyes to the scale of the problem and come across many of the items they may use in their day to day lives.

In 2016 in the Caribbean, in a space of only 20 square meters our crew counted:

437 polystyrene/styrofoam containers

247 plastic bottle tops

360 plastic bottles

84 plastic bags

64 plastic cups

We have partnered with the organisations below to conduct beach cleans in coastlines, uninhabited islands and communities worldwide.

EcoAssociados Project  | International Coastal Cleanup | Keep Wales Tidy | Thames Estuary  | Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful | Project Partners COAST | Marine Conservation Society | Parley for the Oceans | Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii | Surfrider | Sea Smart

Businesses and Brands


The scientific findings from our voyages and the growing demands of consumers around the world have helped shine a light on both the responsibility and the opportunity companies have to lead the way on solving the marine plastic pollution crisis.

eXXpedition has shared our insights and engaged employees of several companies over the past decade, including: