STEPHANIE is an IT professional and currently works at the London School of Economics (LSE) in the UK. Her role involves managing technical change, risk and developing disaster recovery plans. Here, she also chairs the department Green Impact team, which last year won a Gold award for a project they ran to raise awareness of the unsustainability of fast fashion. This year their focus was on raising awareness of technology waste. They ran an event that taught people how to repair their own devices, encouraging people to fix broken devices rather than replace them. They also provided information on the options for proper disposal at the end of their life.
Since taking over the Green Impact team a couple of years ago, she has become eager to become more involved in sustainability projects that make a difference. She sees eXXpedition as a great opportunity to get started. Stephanie is looking forward to working with a diverse group of women and to meeting organisations and individuals along the journey. She is also looking forward to learning from the crew so that she can continue the mission after returning by sharing their message. She hopes to partner with the LSE geography department and discuss environmental policy and outreach initiatives upon her return