Posts tagged with: scientist

Crew profile of Emily Duncan

eXXpedition North Pacific crew member and marine scientist Rowan Henthorn introduces fellow crew member and PhD researcher Emily Duncan… “Emily, or Dunkers as we and most of her colleagues affectionately know her, is a woman of many talents. Not only is she a leading scientist in the field of turtle research and conservation, but she […]

Day 15 Crew Update: Profile of Rowan Henthorn

eXXpedition North Pacific crew member Jen Russell introduces fellow crew member and scientist Rowan Henthorn: “There aren’t many people who can pull off a bucket-hat, but Rowan Henthorn is definitely one of them. Rowan was lucky enough to grow up on the beautiful Isle of Man, where she had a childhood filled with beach trips, and being taken […]

Meet eXXpedition scientist Oksana Lane

This is part of our on-going series to introduce the fantastic scientists behind the science of eXXpedition Round Britain Let’s meet Oksana Lane! About you Name: Oksana Lane Institution Affiliation: Biodiversity Research Institute Position: Wetlands Program Director Web URL: General Research Interest: Contaminants in wildlife and the environment, and plastics pollution Science and plastics […]