Posts tagged with: anasjourney

Days of science

Day 8 – Amazon 2015 Apologies for the silence but the sun and heat does funny thing to ones brain – it turns it almost to mush. After we celebrated Lisa’s birthday with a delicious pad thai and vegan coconut and tapioca cake last night, it was my team’s turn to do the 8 pm […]

Day 12 – Off to the jungle

Last night I was on the watch from midnight to 4 am. I find this watch the hardest. The sweltering heat during the day heats the metal deck (Seadragon is made of 50 t of steel) and then at night the metal cools down releasing the heat down into our cabins. I have supposedly been […]

Watching the sun rise

Day 3 –  Amazon 2015 My team’s watch this morning was from 4 to 8 am. Normally you wouldn’t get me out of bed at this time of the morning but knowing I would see the crescent moon and the sun change places in the sky I was up on deck pretty quick. Mars was […]

In the swing of things!

Day 2 – Amazon 2015 With Imogen’s call that we are ready to go Emily started lifting the anchor and discovered that it was jammed with loads of yucky plastic bags. This was not surprising given the amount of rubbish we logged on the debris tracker passing by us whilst in port. Although the water […]

Day 1 – Expect the unexpected

Day 1 – Amazon 2015 We got to the docs ahead of the 9 am meeting with the Brazilian TV. Our expedition has attracted the interest of the national news – 14 women from around the world on a mission to make the unseen plastic seen. Having been photographed from all angles including wearing all […]