Posts tagged with: activism

Top 5 of our North Pacific Media Coverage

Now our eXXpedition North Pacific voyage is complete, we finally have some time to reflect. Not only did 24 amazing women go sailing, but we also collected data and samples for partner scientists all over the world. We held outreach events in Vancouver and Victoria, and clean ups in Hawaii, Vancouver and on the remote […]

Day 14 Crew Update: Profile of Michelle Byle

eXXpedition North Pacific crew member Karine Therrien introduces us to fellow crew member, designer and art director Michelle Byle: “Every project involves a human connection. The type of journey we are on right now requires a lot of connection with each other. The whole crew is very supportive and inspiring, and there is one exceptional […]

3rd December – Science, Seaweed and Songs

16 27.26 N 56 46.76 W As we cruise ever closer to Martinique’s EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone), situated 200 nautical miles around it’s coastline, today was officially the final day of science! We completed our last Manta Trawl gathering plenty of sargassum (seaweed) as well as a totally different array of organisms – watching a […]

Saturday 29 November — A Whale In Our Sights & Inspirational Activism

20’ 44,13 N 46’ 47,16 W Today all 14 of us succeeded in the International Buy Nothing Day mission by not buying anything! Easy! Another day in Sea-She Dragon has passed. Even with no more fresh fruit on board (eek!) we are still enjoying this amazing bold adventure all together in the middle of the […]

Marine Litter Watch launches a new app to tackle Marine Plastic Waste

A new app has been launched by the Marine Litter Watch team from the European Environment Agency. We are proud to shout about this initiative to tackle plastic pollution especially as one of the team who created it, Constança  Belchoir, will join us on eXXpedition 2014. We can’t wait to use this in a marine litter actions. Bravo Constança and […]